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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Different Faces Of Love

Love means having deep and warm feelings about oneself and others. Love involves happiness and responsibilities. There are different faces of Love. These are:
Self-love: This is the kind of love that involves accepting oneself, believing in and knowing oneself. We must love ourselves before we can love others or expect others to love us. Of course, this type of love does not mean selfishness.
Friendship Love: This type of love exists between friends who like one another, show commitment to one another, and share deep and intimate feelings with one another. Friendship love requires sharing, caring, closeness, intimacy and communication.
Comfortable Love: This kind of love has to do with the relationship that exists between parents and their children. A strong level of commitment, loyalty and dependability characterizes parents’ love for their children. This type of love also involves caring, showing concern and being available.
Romantic Love: Intimacy and passion characterize romantic love. Passion refers to the drive that leads to romance, physical attraction and sexual interaction. It involves total absorption with strong feelings of elation, sexual desire and arousal. Most people first experience romantic love during adolescence or early adulthood, it often occurs early in a relationship. People involved in romantic love usually overlook faults, avoid conflicts and ignore logic.
Infatuation: This type of relationship places premium on physical characteristics. Emphasis is usually on the concept of love at first sight. It tends to start quickly. Emotions and feelings fluctuate in this kind of relationship. The relationship may equally end quickly due to frequent quarrels and arguments. Friends and people around usually disapprove of this type of relationship. Absence of one partner or distance between the two partners usually means the end of the relationship. If someone mistakes infatuation for love and expects it to last forever it can hurt a great deal when the good feelings fade. Infatuation is a disorganizing and destructive effect on the personality.
Complete Love: This type of love takes time to develop. It is difficult to achieve this kind of relationship because much effort is required to sustain the relationship. This type of love requires commitment, intimacy and passion.
For many, young and old alike, what passes for ‘love’ has created predicaments which challenge values and common sense. This is especially true when sex and romance are involved. Sexual passion and romantic attraction are often mistaken as love. Engaging in a sexual relationship is not the only means of showing or expressing love. There is the need to be able to identify and recognize positive loving feelings of complete and unconditional love in order to make responsible decisions about ways of expressing these feelings without necessarily having sexual involvement.

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