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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Appropriate Behaviours For Dating

For young people who go on dates to protect themselves, get the best behaviours out of their date and get a meaningful, longer lasting relationship, the following tips will be helpful:

1.      Set Limit
·         Set limits for yourself and in your relationship
·         Know how physically intimate you are prepared to be with partner

2.      Communication
·         This is the key to a satisfying relationship
·         Discuss your limits with your partner.
·         Find out what your partner’s limits are.
·         Both of you are responsible for keeping to the limits you have discussed.
·         Do not guess what your partner wants- ask him/her. If your partner says “no”, he/she means “no”.
·         Discuss where you will go on a date, choose a mutually acceptable, safe venue and activity.

3.      Being Assertive
·         Make your decision about setting limits and stick to it.
·         Avoid being passive, no matter how embarrassing it might be to assert yourself.

4.      Go to places where you can participate in a variety of outdoor activities
·         Go on a group date if you don’t feel comfortable alone with your date.
·         Leave the situation if you feel uncomfortable.
·         Make personal plans or arrangements about how to get home if necessary.
·         Do not get stranded without money.

5.      Respect your partner
·         Respect your partner’s value and decisions about limits set, likes and dislikes.

6.      Non-verbal messages
·         Avoid dressing in a way that could be misinterpreted or misunderstood as something different from what is intended.
·         Avoid going alone to an isolated place as it may suggest that sexual intimacy is wanted.

7.      Alcohol and drugs
·         Avoid the use of drugs and alcohol because they increase your vulnerability to sexual abuse.
·         If a dating partner uses drugs or alcohol, be willing to leave the place if things start to get out of hand.

8.      Avoid pornography, sexually explicit films, etc

9.      Avoid night parties without responsible chaperones.

Failure to follow the above tips, may lead to dire consequences. Some of the dangers that can be involved include:
·         Time together alone can lead to sexual involvement, which can result in unwanted pregnancy, STIs or date rape.
·         Pressure to go against family values.
·         Meeting bad friends that can get you into trouble.
·         Going to places that can get you into trouble.
·         Using drugs and alcohol, because the date partner may take advantage of your lack of judgement

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