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Fix Your Marriage

Monday, January 10, 2011

Behavioural Changes In Marriage Part 1

People always fluctuate in their behavior from day to day and we all have had our times in which we acted rude to people, and had the pleasure of having the reverse happen as well. Kay Redfield Jamison an international guru of about mood disorders has had her share of mood swings during her times.  For years she kept this extreme psychological disorder a secret in which she had moods that switched from being super excited known as mania, to times that she was lethargic and depressed. She actually wrote a book about these events and tells about it in more detail. 
By the way, the disorder was known as bipolar disorder and effects many people around the world. With determination, a strong will, and support from her family and friends she overcame her struggles and continue to teach about psychological disorders to this day.  I know that you're probably wondering what are the types of characteristics of deviant or abnormal behavior? Well, one way abnormal behavior can be diagnosed is with some common symptoms.  It may surprise you that there are about 40 million Americans that are affected by some type of psychological disorder. 
You may think of a psychological disorder as what the main character had in the movie "A beautiful Mind." In essence you are right but there are a lot more other characteristics involved and a psychological disorder can also be defined by having an addiction to a substance like alcohol or drugs.  To fully understand psychological disorders an individual must analyze abnormal behavior. Let's take a look at three different case studies.

* A twenty six year old woman named Helena has a need to walk in a specific way. When she is walking on the street in the public she believes that if she steps on certain cracks she will have bad luck, but in order to reverse that bad luck she has to turn around and walk back a block. She doesn't like to do this much so she often stay home and pay people to go and pick up her groceries and other needed items.
*  A thirty five year old woman has recently got a divorce from her husband who she has been previously married to for eleven years and has two children with. Her husband have left her for her best friend and she is going back to college to continue her education so she can earn some more money to better support her children. She has a hard time struggling with school work and has grown separate from her friends and colleagues. A lot of the time she doesn't feel like doing much and tends to cry a lot at nigh time. She also has a more pessimistic view in life and doesn't believe in true love anymore.
* A thirty year old man named Don has to have things arrange in his house a certain way. Even though he is wealthy enough to afford a maid he constantly has to rearrange things in his house after she leaves. He sweeps the floor and wipes off tables even though she has done that before.

Most people would say that the behavior of all of these individuals are abnormal, but are all of them bizarre? That's a common myth about behavior, because people will automatically assume that abnormal behavior is bizarre and it's not necessary true.  Take the women in the second case study described even though her behavior is abnormal it is not necessary bizarre. A lot of times people with abnormal behavior cannot easily be distinguished from people with normal behavior.  Also, just because a person currently has a mental disorder doesn't mean that they will always have it.  

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