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Fix Your Marriage

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Marriage experts have concluded that it is possible that you may want to break your marriage as many later see it as a problem that they ought to escape from. If you are tired of your marriage, then find below the eight catechism of wrecking a marriage.

1.      Take your marriage for granted. Yes, just pretend that your spouse loves you and vice versa. Furthermore, pretend you are very beautiful or handsome, and that your spouse can’t find anyone like you.
2.      The Trust-Relationship Phenomenon. Remove the building block of marriage i.e the trust-relationship phenomenon. Decide not to trust your spouse. Do these by monitoring movements, phone messages, letter, e-mail, chest drawers, answering his/her calls, smelling dresses/ suit.
3.      Concentrate on little things. Please decide to concentrate on little things at home or in your spouse’s life. Make sure to complain about everything. Once you keep complaining on little things, your marriage will hit the rocks.
4.      Keep Record of Offences. Be consistent in keeping record of all offences, insults and the mistakes of your spouse. Reel them out at the slightest provocations.
5.      Get busy, spare no time. Become too busy with your work or children or friends or other activities apart from your spouse.
6.      Say No Always to Sex. Be prepared to always say No to sex. Always find an excuse not to have sexual relationship with your spouse.
7.      Take Instructions from Outsiders. Take directives from your extended family. Ensure that their word is a bond or law in your home.
8.      Be the Chief Commander. As husband, always insists that your word or command in the home must be obeyed or else, there will be trouble.

To keep your Home and make it Heaven on Earth, You should do the exact opposites. Yes, if you do the opposite of the things you read above, then your marriage will be solid, a reminiscence of heaven on earth, and no storm will be able to wreck it. 

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