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Fix Your Marriage

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Right now, at this present moment, many marriages are failing and leading to divorce and its terrible consequences. There are many ways by which such marriages can be put back on the track, if the concerned couple are sincere in their desire for reconciliation. Couples that would like to avoid trouble in their marriage can also use these ways.

1.      Don’t treat each other has adversaries, but partners. Some husbands speak harshly to their wives, humiliate them, and even physically abuse them. Such wives have no voice or opinion in the family. Some wives never show their husband that they are satisfied with anything he does or buys for them.
2.      Know the proper meaning of marriage. Marriage is an institution for husband and wife to live with love and tranquillity with each other. It is not a source of contention, deception, trickery, tyranny, humiliation, and abuse. This is not the way marriage is supposed to be.
3.      Regardless of whether or not the husband has been made the head of the household, he is not supposed to be dictator or tyrant. He should treat his wife well.
4.      Be partners in the Decision Making Process. There will be more harmony in the family when decisions are not imposed and everyone feels that they had some part in making decisions.
5.      Never Be Abusive to Your Spouse. Never be emotionally, mentally or physically abusive to your spouse.
6.      Be Careful of Your Words.  Be mindful of what you say when you are upset. If you are angry, wait until you calm down before continuing the conversation.
7.      Show Affection. Show affection for your mate. Be kind, gentle, and loving.
8.      Be Your Spouse’s Friend. Show interest in your mate’s life. It would be good if husband and wife could work together for the same cause or on the same project.
9.      Show Appreciation. Always show appreciation for what your spouse does for the family. Never make your husband feel that he is not doing well enough for the family, or that you are not satisfied with his work or his efforts, unless, of course, he is truly lazy. Show appreciation to your wife, if she takes care of the house and the children. Don’t take it for granted.
10.  Work together in the House. Always help your wife with the housework.
11.  Communication is Important. Communication is a big word in counselling. Couples need to talk to each other. It is better to deal with problems early and honestly than allow them to pile up.
12.  Forget the Past. Don’t bring up problems of the past, which had been resolved.
13.  Live Simply. Live your own life. Don’t be jealous of those who seem to be living a more luxurious life than your family. Develop thr quality of contentment.
14.  Give Your Spouse Time Alone. Sometimes, people need to be alone for various reasons, to read, to think about their problems, or just to relax. If your mate doesn’t want to be with you all the time, it doesn’t mean he /she doesn’t love you.
15.  Be Mindful of Your discussion Topics. Some couples complain to others about their mate. This is a recipe for disaster. Never discuss with others, things about your marriage that your spouse wouldn’t like you to discuss.
16.  Have Meals Together. Try to eat together as a family when possible. Show the cook and the dishwasher (whoever it is) appreciation for his/her efforts.
17.  Admit Your Mistakes. When you make a mistake, admit it. When your mate makes a mistake, excuse him/her easily. If possible, never go to sleep angry with each other.
18.  Physical Relationship Is Important. Be available to your mate sexually, and don’t let your sexual relationship be characterized by selfishness.
19.  Good marriages require patience, kindness, humility, empathy, love, understanding, forgiveness, and hard work.

The essence of all the tips can be summed up in one sentence: Always treat your spouse the way you would want to be treated. Following these tips would help any marriage to improve.  

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