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Fix Your Marriage

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Marriage- A lifetime Commitment

Marriage and Family: The Quest for Intimacy (7th Edition)Marriage is a legal and social commitment that two people make to share their lives and family responsibilities. It is a legal union between a man and a woman. There are different societal values about marriage; it is believed to be for procreation, love, companionship, security, status, religious obligations, economic considerations and conforming to social standards.

The following are suggested questions you may want to ask yourself before entering into such a lifetime commitment. Knowing the answers and discussing these with your partner, may improve the chances that your relationship will be solid and lasting.

1.      Study yourself

·         What are your needs?

·         Do you have a need to love and, more importantly, to give love?

·         Do you have need for security, recognition, response, and new experiences?

·         Are you dependent on someone else for emotional support?

·         Can you accept some sense of insecurity in other people? If so,  how much?

·         Do you need a parent figure as your mate, someone who can tell you what to do?

2.      Study your motives

·         Why do you want to get married?

·         Will this particular marriage be a solution?

·         Will the marriage increase your problems?

3.      Study the person

·         Listen carefully for the real meanings of what he/she says.

·         Observe the way he/she behaves.

·         Could you live with him/her?

·         How well do other people like him/her?

·         Does he/she get along with other people?

·         What do your friends think of him/her?

·         What are his/her parents like?

4          Study the effects of the relationship

·         How able is she/he to meet your needs in the long run?

·         How able are you to meet his/her needs?

·         Does he/she even now, really provide what you want?

·         Is he/she able to communicate with you?

5          Are you at peace with yourself?

·         Do you have the ability to be yourself?

·         Are you entering the union without second thoughts?

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