Periodically, it is necessary to attempt appraisal of one’s marriage. Such appraisal helps to know the status of the marriage, grey areas that need adjusting and good areas that need to be built on.
Since the decision to get married is based upon love for your spouse, love then becomes the pivot on which marriage hangs. Hence, an appraisal of Love in marriage will allow couples to know the direction of their marriage.
The appraisal is based on what couples do that kill Love in their marriages. Couples should appraise each other honestly and independently.
Scoring. Mostly 3 Sometimes 2 Rarely 1
Good Luck
1. Sexual denial
2. Dressing shabbily
3. Dirtiness
4. Extravagance
5. Nagging
6. Olympic Habit (competing with spouse)
7. Care free
8. Bad habits
9. Poor cooking
10. Undue attention to the children thereby neglecting spouse
11. Bad communication
12. Stubbornness
13. Infidelity
14. Partying
15. Stinginess
16. Autocratic
17. Bad association
18. Marital rape
19. Untruthfulness
20. Laziness
21. Selfishness
22. Difficult disposition
23. Failure to improve behaviour
24. Battering
25. Night crawling, drunkenness
Score Interpretation : 25- 40 Very good. There is love in your marriage and you have no problem with your spouse. However, you need to make sure that the love stays for good. No matter what it will cost. Enjoy your marriage. You need to read the article: How To Preserve Love In Marriage.
41- 60 Average. There is love in the marriage, but your spouse is not paying attention to things that makes love grow in a marriage. You are an average family. There is no problem with your marriage. There is need for change of attitude by your spouse. Your spouse needs to focus on those grey areas. Put more effort to make the love in your marriage grow by improving upon the areas with high marks. It is worth it.
Above 60 Not Good. Both of you are just hanging on to the past. Love has fizzle out of your marriage. There is no essence in a love that is not reciprocated, it kills the heart. Something drastic needs to be done. However, for the fact that both of you took the appraisal, there is hope. All is not lost. Look at the appraisal again and again until you can remember all the items very well. Now, make a commitment to improve on them.
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