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Fix Your Marriage

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How To Unstuck Your Marriage

Toxic Friends: The Antidote for Women Stuck in Complicated Friendships

Do you think a lot about your marriage? Is that an understatement? Is OBSESS more like it? If you have marriage problems, you probably spend a lot of time and energy THINKING about your circumstances. You've probably analyzed your spouse, your marriage, and what happened to your relationship from every possible angle. And the chances are good that others have weighed-in on your situation too. Have you discussed your problems with a friend, a family member, or a counselor? An astute analysis of your relationship can be helpful. It sometimes leads to problem-solving ideas that work.

Talking about your situation can be helpful too. Most people find it therapeutic. But sometimes the problem with thinking and talking about your marriage so much is that it becomes a substitute for DOING SOMETHING. Analyzing your marriage can be productive, but if you want change, there's nothing like taking ACTION.

I once did a series of private phone sessions for someone who had been in therapy for over a year. In our first session, I asked what changes she and her husband implemented since beginning therapy. She said, "Well, no real changes. But I understand our problems much better." I call that "analysis paralysis."

The great philosopher Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." This is very true. But the unlived life is not worth examining! THOUGHT and ACTION are like husband and wife. If you're missing one, you can't have a marriage. Rigorous thinking gives rise to intelligent action. And action gives critical feedback for further thought. Ultimately, it's the combination of the two that leads to clarity and a changed marriage.

Love is articulated in the vocabulary of ACTION. New thoughts and new words are useful when they inspire you to DEMONSTRATE new behavior. If you're ready to think differently about your marriage and act in a way that will create demonstrative change in your relationship, register for the Marriage Fitness Tele-Boot Camp. It's a 7-week program. Marriage Fitness Tele-Boot Camp will provoke a whole new way of THINKING about your marriage, AND, it will inspire you and guide you to new ACTIONS that will transform your relationship.

If you and your spouse are ready to work on your marriage TOGETHER, then register for the Duo Track. Otherwise, you want the Lone Ranger Track, where you'll learn how to inspire your spouse to join you in an effort to renew your marriage. For more info about either the Duo Track or the Lone Ranger Track, Is your marriage in trouble? Author of Marriage Fitness featured on national TV tells you how to turn your marriage around."

Are you concerned about the cost of flights and transportation? Don't worry about it. This is a TELE experience. You do the entire program from the comfort of your home (or office). All you need is a telephone and a CD player. For details about how this works, click here.

If you can't wait until the next boot camp begins or if you don't have 7 weeks to turn things around, then order... MARRIAGE FITNESS HOME-FLEX A 9-Phase interactive multi-sensory relationship-changing self-guided system that gives you everything you need to transform your marriage. And the best news is . . . you get it all tomorrow! For more Is your marriage in trouble? Get FREE advice. And get a FREE marriage assessment. No strings attached.">information or to order.

If you need help with your marriage, at the very least get yourself the MARRIAGE FITNESS AUDIO LEARNING PROGRAM. It's a 5 CD starter/budget program that you'll find to be an invaluable guide to renewing your marriage. For more info or to order.

If you want to make sure you get future emails from me, take a moment to add to your email address book. That way the email won't get blocked by those crazy spam filters.

Lastly, and I mean this, if you need marriage help but prefer to seek it elsewhere, feel free to ask me and I'd be happy to refer you to other competent sources. This is not about me. It's about YOUR MARRIAGE. And if you're reading this, the chances are very good that you need some external guidance. It's EXTREMEMLY RARE for a couple to successfully work through their marital problems by themselves. You need help! Take ACTION to get it. If you want me to help you, visit:

If I can refer you to someone else, let me know.
Wishing you well,
Dr. Aphys Fade
Selfish vs. selfless: if you're stuck between trying to get what you want & feeling pressure to let others get what they want, it's time to learn the art ... An article from: Scholastic Choices

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