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Fix Your Marriage

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Fix Your Marriage

Husbands need wives to take care of things- especially them. Most men feel that their wives are doing their part by bringing home the money. Many men feel a lot of pressure over taking care of the family financially. Because of stress, he wants his wife to organise the home and children (even if she works full time too).

A man likes to be greeted with a kiss and a hug, a wife with a pleasant attitude, well-behaved children, well-maintained home, pleasant conversation at dinner, nice relaxing evening with the family, watch TV with the wife, worship the Lord together, and go to bed with the wife and make love.

A woman on the other hand likes; lots of touching (without sexual pressure), a husband with pleasant attitude and mood, a phone call during the day from her husband, surprise shopping spree, a husband who helps at home, a husband who listens and actually HEARS, a husband who will spend time with her, Little surprises, and a husband who makes her feel more important than anything else.

In most marriages, there is an unspoken tension between husband and wife over the division of tasks, because both have pressures during the day, both resent having to pitch in and help.

To resolve the problem, bring it out in the open by making a list with four categories:

1. Income generating activities of the family.
2. Child care- including entertaining, feeding, dressing, supervising, and taking children to school and picking up.
3. Household responsibilities- including cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, banking, and organizing the home.
4. Repair and maintenance of home- including house, car, garden, painting, and fixing broken toys etc.

Decide how much time each of you spend, how much you need your spouse to help you. Arrive at what is fair for both of you; consider what tasks are most important to you as a family, concentrate on these tasks. Work along side each other and help each other.

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