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Fix Your Marriage

Monday, July 26, 2010


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Marriage cannot be happy or successful unless each partner tries to understand what makes the other partner tick. The questions are:
• Why does a spouse do things the way the spouse does?
• Why does the spouse think in a certain way?

There are a lot of differences between you and your spouse: family up-bringing, social group,; if not from the same country, there is bound to be differences in taste, culture, dressing, food, etc.

The couple must learn to meet each other’s marital needs that create the feelings of love. The male must learn to meet the five basic needs of his spouse, namely:
1. Affection.
2. Conversation.
3. Honesty and openness
4. Financial support.
5. Family commitment.

The female must learn to meet the five basic needs of her spouse:
1. Sexual fulfilment.
2. Recreational companionship.
3. An attractive look.
4. Domestic support.
5. Admiration.

It cannot be overemphasised that two people (it does not matter whether they grew up in the same suburb, town, city, or country) must have some things in common. To have a good and happy home, both must be prepared to change and adapt to the spouse. “This is the way we used to do our home, town, city or country”, will not bring happiness.

The good news is, you can learn to change, because:
• You are never too old to learn.
• You can adapt to different circumstances.

Focus on the changes you need to make, not on how your spouse needs to change.

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