Conflict is part of marriage. Infact, fighting is a good thing for your marriage. It affords both partners in a marriage to know more about each. Such things that causes fights may not have surfaced during courtship and dating.
Far better than letting disagreements build up inside you until they reach explosive level, discuss them as they arise. Brooding over a wrong/mistake almost always causes it to seem worse than it really is. Discuss it now or forget it forever.
So, what happens if your spouse does not respond to your efforts to solve differences peacefully? The common practice among married couples is to return likes for likes. When a partner is reviled, such a spouse go reviling in return.
But if you take this course you let others shape you, making you what you are not. Actually, they make you what they are. Allowing this to happen to you is to deny yourself, what you stand for, the principles you hold dear. What you need to do is to hold true to what you are and be unchanged by the weaknesses of your spouse. If you are strong enough to stop a cycle of bad behaviors with good conduct, you may start a cycle of good. A mild answer does not come from weakness but springs from strength, and your mate will sense this.
Since so many returns like for like, your breakthrough with goodness may switch the cycle from bad behaviors to good ones. It may take time for your goodness to bring in a harvest of good from your mate. So, let us not give up in doing what is fine, for in due course we shall see positive changes in our spouse – if we do not tire out.
GiĆ y Humtto 210626B-2
3 years ago
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