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Fix Your Marriage

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rubbing Minds With Your Spouse

You and your spouse in your happy house
Bringing Out the Best in Your Husband: Encourage Your Spouse and Experience the Relationship You've Always Wanted

Are You the Best Thing That Has Ever Happened to Your Spouse?

A relationship is meant to be a platform to air your views and feelings- likes and dislikes etc. When a partner complains incessantly of a particular habit, you should go out of your way to make a change.

Really, a change of accustomed habits could prove difficult, but you can get out of your ‘comfort zone’ and change, at least for peace to reign. Marriage is co-habiting ‘until death do us apart’ so there is need to make daily adjustment for a successful marriage except you want to opt out of the marriage.

On the other hand, there are some partners who naturally nag. There should be a stage in your marriage when you learn to overlook things and know when to talk about it. When you understand your spouse very well, you know the best time to talk over issues, so that you can achieve your aims.

Remember, a soft answer turns away wrath. Often, matters that destroy homes could have been discussed at certain periods- after meals, after retiring to bed, after prayer and lots of other appropriate times- you know these periods.

Dialogue is an art and for you to have a happy married life, you have to learn it. Infact, every partner should learn it. Lastly, know that when you don’t forgive your partner of their sins, irritation sets in, so learn to forgive.

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