Building a Love that Lasts: The Seven Surprising Secrets of Successful Marriage
It is essential that we meet our spouse’s needs. When we come into a marriage relationship, you made it impossible for your spouse to have his or her needs met outside the marriage bond. If you don’t satisfy those needs inside the marriage bond, then the temptation is overwhelming to satisfy them outside of the marriage bond.
Most marital break-ups take place because the partners lack the awareness and the skills to meet the other’s need. If you want a happy home and a successful marriage, and the desire to make your home heaven on earth, you are going to have to understand your spouse*.
You are to change, learn and adapt. If you make effort, you will find that strengthening your marriage will bring you more rewards than you can imagine. A strong relationship with your spouse is vitally important. The only thing more important is our relationship with God. Real intimacy is the basis of a good marriage, not just sharing the same bed, but also having the same values and the same goals.
Without the above, you and your spouse will be talking to each other in foreign language. You will never agree, because each of you will be governed by different set of rules. If you want to reach the same destination, then both of you must follow the same road map!
Our expectations for our marriage were formed during the dating period. We were sensitive to one another’s needs and fell in love. Then the realities of marriage set in, and we started to take our partner for granted. We must come back to that sensitivity we had to each other’s needs during the dating relationship. We can learn to sensitive again, by recognizing our partner’s needs and meeting them.
Golden Anniversaries: The Seven Secrets of Successful Marriage (Mom's Choice Awards Winner 2009)
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