When we become focused on having intercourse as our main sexual play, we end up putting extra unnecessary pressure on males to get and maintain erections. This fact alone can cause erectile problems. But when erection ability is also compromised by health issues or the aging process the pressure can be increased unnecessarily.
We also put too much pressure on the female to be lubricated enough to allow for painless intercourse. As we age, both the ability to get erections and to lubricate reduces. So there are more times when intercourse is not a viable option. What then? Too many people just give up on sex. Please don’t! Sex provides so many benefits.
Think about it...perhaps intercourse itself has been overrated. Many women would say so because the majority of them cannot have an orgasm through intercourse anyway. For many women most intercourse positions simply don’t supply the necessary rhythm and pressure on the clitoris that is necessary for orgasm to occur.
While losing the ability to have intercourse, either as often as we’d like or at all, is a huge loss...we also need to remember that there are many other ways to be sexual. In general, when intercourse becomes our default sex activity too many other great experiences get missed.
A more useful focus would be to put our attention on being present with our partners and putting more energy into developing our sensory awareness. While this is important any time, it is even more important as we age when our senses have the tendency to dim. We live in a culture where sensory overload is our everyday existence. We accept this experience as normal without questioning its impact on us. But one of the repercussions of this situation is the gradual deadening of the senses.
However, when it comes to expanding our sexual expression, we need to do the opposite of shutting our senses down. We want to allow our senses to work at their optimum level again, which requires developing conscious control over the sensory switch. This requires developing a strong sense of presence and sensory awareness.
Focusing on deeper sensory awareness, anyway you can, is a great way to expand sexual potential when intercourse isn’t an option. (Or even when it is)